Monday, January 4, 2010

I Made It!!!!!!

Well folks, I made it to 2010. Nobody could be more shocked than me, considering how many experiences I’ve had in the last decade that should have killed me. Breast Cancer scare, falling down a flight of stairs and smacking my head on a wall AND a wood plank when I landed, a slip and fall in a Lucky store, driving through a snow storm on the Grapevine without being able to see more than a foot in front of my window (on the night I moved here), a dismal disaster of a relationship with Ronn that put me in the hospital… I know there were more, too. Those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head!

I can’t say it’s all been fraught with danger. There were some very good times in the last ten years. I’ve fulfilled life-long dreams, and came reasonably close to fulfilling the two biggest (to be a wife and a mother). I did a lot of learning and growing, made some outstanding friends, saw a lot of concerts, performed at a club, did a great job in a show… and yet the last four years have been inundated with so much loss and stress, that it’s been hard to remember the good times.

As I head into 2010, I’m doing everything I can to maintain a good attitude about the decade ahead… my forties. It is my absolute intention to leave all the shit behind me and let it be my past, so I can live in the present and create a happy, content, successful, loving, comfortable and fun future.

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