Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I'm constantly accused of over thinking. I'm sure if you've known me for any length of time you've heard me bitch about this before. But I'm here to remind those of you who think there's something deliberate to the level of detail over which I consider any given subject, that it's not intentional, it's not something I'm doing TO YOU. It's how my mind works. Please... PLEASE, consider NOT chiding me because it makes you uncomfortable or makes you think I'm trying to manipulate you into thinking about things you don't want to think too hard about. Whatever your issue is with how my mind processes information is not something I have any control over. When you bitch at me about something as fundamental as my mind, it kinda suggests you don't really like me. Worse, is intimates that you'd like me better if I was stupid or dull or worse yet... easier to slip things past. I assure you, that I too have wished my mind would slow down and not notice every tiny detail of every little thing. Ignorance really is bliss sometimes. So now you know why I'm oft so grumpy.

And while we're at it... let's get over this other thing, too; my lack of economy with words.

Yes, I know there's probably a quicker way to say what I have to say. I actually do TRY to give people the short version of whatever it is I have to say. And I tell you now, I admire those of you who get a lot across with an extreme economy of words. But I also consider myself in the process of conversation and communication and frankly, I enjoy communicating the way I do. I don't tell you how to talk or think because if you're my friend then I must like it. If I need more from you I'll ask. If I need less from you, I don't ask. Consider affording me the same courtesy, why don't you?

End rant.

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