Tuesday, February 26, 2008
On WooWoo
Kindred Spirit
Curvaceous cooky-britches
Dangerous mind
Fellow food-a-holic
Thanks for coming out of the woodwork, crazy lady!
A Monkey and a cat
*Thank you for reminding me how fun and important it is to play.
*Thank you for inspiring me to be musical every day.
*Thank you for the giggle this photo gives me.
*Thank you for being my friend even when I don't make it easy for you.
My wish for you...
Rapturous joy!
It's fine!
Letter to my nemesis at the EDD
I went to a nice museum on Presidents' Day (where, I assure you, I was looking for work, was not too sick to accept work, would have worked had I been offered it and did not actually work or make money of any kind amen). While I was there, I saw this lovely little figure of you looking angelic and rather benign. I am guessing this is you before you went to work at the EDD. Believe me, I know how a crap job can alter you in a profoundly ugly way. I hope that you are considering something less destructive as a possible career change.
Now, you and I know that there is some war betwixt us in which you clearly have the upper hand. I concede to that and humbly beg you to lay down your arms and allow me to go about my unemployment with quiet dignity. I do not know what I may have done to provoke your earnest vengeance but I assure you, whatever it was that I did was unintentional. Whatever brought you to this plan of attack, I do wish you would choose something less humiliating than repeatedly sending back my claim forms informing me that I filled out the ten bubbles incorrectly. I may be many things, Nemesis, but that inept, I most certainly am not. If you are going to impishly withhold my checks from me, at least be more creative. Like, you didn’t like my color of pen or hated the ugly stamp I used.
If you are someone I went to school with as a child, and slighted in some way, please know that I was going through my own seventh level of hell and probably didn't even know I was doing you an injustice. If I have injured you during the last ten years, please contact me, let's talk it out. I'm a reasonable woman, despite what you may have heard from anyone I knew in my 20s. Really! I've grown a lot since then!
So please, dearest Nemesis... let us work out our differences so that you can choose a more worthy opponent.
Your unwilling combatant,
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Garth Marenghi's Dark Place
Particularly in terms of how badly many of Stephen King and Dean Koontz's novels have been mangled in production, GMDP pours salt in the proverbial wound with deliberate overacting, extremely low budget effects and ridiculously bad continuity. Dean Learner being the worst offender of them all. But the best part being the mockumentary aspect of the show and how utterly clueless the two driving forces of the show within a show really are. There is always a line in the show that makes me burst out laughing or nearly sending a spray of water across the room.
And it doesn't hurt that they had Stephen Merchant on the show. Anything with Stephen Merchant is only made better by his being in it! TALL GEEKS RULE!
Thanks Adult Swim programming geniuses. Me love you long time!!!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
It turned out that the man we went to see was a psychologist of some sort, and told my mother that the way I held my pencil was an indication of a lack of creativity and that I would never be successful. That's a pretty heavy thing to lay on any mother, much less one who is deeply insecure about how her children will make her look.
So she sat me down and forced me to learn how to write as though I was right-handed, holding the pencil "properly." And over the years, I would see how badly other left-handed folk would write and somehow think that the psychologist might have had something. I worked really hard to have pretty writing. It's a shame that I almost never hand write now.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A letter to 2008
I know you're new and haven't really found your footing yet. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to pull your $#!% together at a bit of a quicker pace. You've not only been a sore disappointment as a fresh start, you are actually rivaling the last three years in butt-suck-ed-ness. I don't know if to congratulate you on sucking so hard and deep so quickly, or beat the livin' bejesus out of you!
Please 2008, I'm tired and cranky. I don't want to be angry with you. I want to believe in you. I want you to be the best year I've had in my life, thus far, but I know that's a lot to expect. I'd be happy with a marginally nice year. Seriously, my expectations aren't that high! You can do this! You CAN!!!!!
So... very... tired,
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Luckily I usually keep my camera pretty handy and snapped it before I stopped seeing it. I really like it a lot.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
jake's message to me

jake's message to me
Dear Mommy,
I have deposited my favorite ball in your coffee mug for the expressed purpose of informing you that I am displeased with the amount of time you spend on the computer. I realize that my message would have had a more profound impact had the cup been filled with steaming hot coffee, rather than the dregs (thus robbing you of the pleasure you so callously deny me), but I do hope that you get my point.
Please see me at your earliest convenience for play time or a significant amount of emotional blackmail shall commence as a result of your egregious neglect.
Yours sincerely,
PS. In the event that the full heft of this message was not fully comprehended, there is another ball in your bed.
Originally uploaded by Sunny-bunny
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Sunnybunny V. USPS
I think anyone could imagine, in my last blog, that I might have seemed a little paranoid. Arguably, however, something was up. I wasn’t getting mail for a long time. It was just… bizarre! Then last Wednesday, I begrudgingly headed down to the chilly garage, where our mailboxes are located, picked up the mail and received validation at last! That, and a fistful of mail all with postmarks ranging from January 6th to January 16th.
Among that pile of post, was my unemployment check that was three weeks late, the notice of my appeal hearing at 8 AM on Monday (for the five weeks the EDD denied me because they believe they overpaid me and suspected me of falsifying my benefit claim form in order to get the money, and – of course, punish first and ask questions later… literally), letters from my union, my banks, insurance. You name it.
Thursday, I went down to my branch of the post office with every intention of having a shit-fit of epic proportions. Instead, when I got there, I found that I have lost my desire to throw said shit-fits. Instead, I had to suppress tears of frustration and resentment when asking to speak to someone who could explain why my mail was being withheld for no apparent reason. After all, it wasn’t that I was just missing my Netflix. These were important documents that I can get from no other source but the US Postal service.
Clearly sensing that I was on the edge of reason, the comically droopy eyed clerk asked me to go stand by a door where a supervisor would appear to speak with me. I walked over and stood there, pushing down weeks worth of fear and anger and anxiety in order to deal with whomever was about to materialize. When the top of the door finally opened, I felt much as Dorothy and her companions must have at the gates of Oz. So many wondrous and terrible things lay behind that tiny window within the door, and the person opening that window stood between me and the end of a long haul of misery.
Luckily, the woman who came to speak with me was pleasant and apologetic. It seems that whomever entered the forward from my previous address when I moved, had entered the correct one, then another forwarding my mail from my current address back to the old one. My mail was going around in circles. If we hadn’t gotten a new carrier on our route, nobody would have ever noticed as the mail is all sorted by machines and it isn’t usually up to the carrier to go through every piece of mail to make sure that it actually belongs to the address it’s being delivered to. He just happened to catch that he’d seen the same piece of mail pass him twice and asked. Thank GOD for Louie, my new carrier!!!
After an unexpectedly lovely conversation with this woman, she then overnighted my benefits claim form to the EDD free of charge and assured me that all would be clear in their system by Monday.
Thank goodness THAT’s over! I’ll be getting my mail, and keeping my dignity. Not a bad deal.